1. multiple choice.
Choose the most correct answer by writing its letter.
(i) Both composition and decomposition of matter enable chemists to obtain _________ substances in our daily life.
A: lighter
B: heavier
C: useful
D: industrial
(ii) Matter has ______ and occupies space.
A: properties
B: colour
C: air
D: mass
(iii) In chemistry subject we learn structure and __________of matter.
A: properties
B: composition
C: decomposition
D: components
(iv) In agriculture, chemistry application helps to _______________
A: get forests
B: get market for crops and animal products
C: investigate good crops and animals
D: improve crops and animal production.
(v) One of the following is not importance of chemistry.
A: giving exparts such as doctors, teachers and nurses.
B: enabling food processing and production.
C: understanding language
D: understanding properties of substances.
2. Matching items.
Match items in list A with responses in list B
List A
(i) in agriculture
(ii) in hospitals
(iii) in industries
(iv) composition of matter
(v) decomposition of matter
List B
A: chemistry help to get useful products from different raw materials
B: forms heavier and complex substance.
C: forms lighter and simpler substances
D: chemistry increases quantity and quality of crops and animal products.
E: chemistry provide exparts, tools and medicines for providing services to the patients.
3. Mention five substances which made as results of application of chemistry knowledge.
4. List down four importance of chemistry in our daily life
5. Outline areas where chemistry applied.
6. Define the following terms:-
(a) chemistry
(b) chemist
(c) matter
(d) composition of matter
(e) decomposition of matter
7. The following represent composition and decomposition of matter as chemical processes in chemistry. State whether the process represent composition of matter or decomposition of matter.
(i) AB -------------> A + B
(ii) A + B ---------> AB
(iii) C-----------> A + B
1. (i) C (ii) D (iii) A (iv) D (v) C
2. (i) D (ii) E (iii) A (iv) B (v) C
3. Examples of substances which made as results of application of chemistry knowledge are
-tooth paste
4. Importance of studying chemistry.
(i) it helps in agricultural activities
(ii) it helps in food processing and preservation
(iii) it helps in production of medicines
(iv) it helps in transport and communication since it applied in making tools used in transport and communication.
(v) it helps in home care especially in cleaning.
(vi) it helps in construction activities. Eg using cement, paints and other materials of the like.
5. Areas where chemistry applied include
-in industries
For production of goods of different types.
For different activities such as cleaning and cooking.
By providing professional chemists.
By giving knowledge in identifying types soil and how to make a fertile and productive soil.
6. (a) Chemistry
Is a branch of science which deals with the study of composition and decomposition of matter.
Is a study of structure of matter and their properties.
(b) chemist
Is a person who studies chemistry.
(c) matter
Is anything which has mass and occupies space.
(d) composition of matter
Refers to the building up of matter.
(e) decomposition of matter is breaking down of matter.
7. (i) and (iii) represent decomposition of matter.
(ii) represents composition of matter
1. Multiple choice
Choose the correct answer from the alternative provided.
(i) In ___________ scientific procedure applied during planning in order to get success or benefit in a certain activity.
A: experiment B: field study C: project work D: studying
(ii) The step in scientific procedure before the last one is
A: experimentation B: data interpretation C: data collection D: conclusion
(iii) Factors in an experiment that can be manipulated to get desired results
A: controlled variables B: independent variables
C: dependent variables D: manipulated variables
(iv) __________ is a step at which observation happens.
A: Experimentation B: Hypothesis formulation
C: Data recording D: Problem identification
(v) If the results you obtained from an experiment do not support your hypothesis ________________
A: change your experiment B: leave out the results
C: identify new problem D: give ideas for further testing to find a solution
2. Match items in list A with responses in list B
List A
(i) In field study
(ii) Dependant variables
(iii) Controlled variable
(iv) In experiment
(v) Independent variable
List B
A: scientific procedure applied by doing practical.
B: is a factor in an experiment which does not change.
C: testing is involved so as to study and gain new knowledge
D: is a factor in an experiment that its value change with change of values of other variables.
E: the value in an experiment that manipulated so as to obtain different values for comparison.
3. Write T for correct statement and F for incorrect statement.
(a) it is not wise to take medicine without medical test.
(b) not all experiments aim to solve scientific problems
(c) A suitable experiment must consider the factor that may affect the problem under investigation.
(d) The scientific procedure is only used in project work
(e) Hypothesis are true statement after long term experimentation.
4. (a) Mention advantages of scientific procedure.
(b) List down application of scientific procedure
5. State the meaning(definitions) of the following
(i) Scientific procedure (ii) Hypothesis (iii) Experimentation
(iv) Observation (v) Variables
6. Systematically, analyse steps involved in doing scientific investigation.
7. When do hypothesis rejected or accepted?
8. Mention the major problem that we normally account in our normal life and you think they can be solved by following scientific procedure.
9. What should be done when carrying out experiment and you find results that do not agree with the hypothesis?
1. (i) C (ii) B (iii) B (iv) A (v) D
2. (i) A (ii) D (iii) B (iv) C (v) E
3. (i)T (ii) T (iii) T (iv) F (v) F
4. (a) Advantage(significance) of the Scientific Procedure
i. It helps us to solve scientific problems
ii. It helps us to gain new knowledge
iii. It helps us to conduct project work
iv.It helps us to carry out field study
(b) Scientific procedure applied in:-
(i) Carry out experiments.
For studying and gaining new knowledge through testing.
(ii) Project work.
To plan by studying the project or problem so as to find useful information or solution for the project.
(iii) Field study.
To find answers for the problem by doing practical work.
5. (i) scientific procedure is a set of techniques used by scientists to investigate a problem/answer question.
(ii) Hypothesis is an answer to the problem that may be true or false.
(iii) Experimentation is practical activity aiming to get the solution of the problem.
(iv) Observation is the process of detecting results of the experiment.
(v) Variables are factors that affect the problem when conducting an experiment.
6.The following are steps followed when carrying out a scientific investigation
i. Identification of the Problem
ii. Formulation of the hypothesis
iii. Experimentation and observation
iv. Data collection and analysis
v. Data interpretation
vi. conclusion from
7. Hypothesis may be rejected if it is disproved by experiment and accepted if it is proved by experiment.
8. -Diseases
-Poor economic status
-Bad examination results
-Disasters (flood, drought etc)
9. If the result do not agree with the hypothesis, the following should be done.
- Do not leave the experiment results you obtained.
-Find possible reasons for difference between your hypothesis and experimental results.
-Give ideas for further testing to find solution.
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