How To Get A Baby Boy

Contraceptives have so many things, not only contraception is contraception but even controlling the number and gender of children is one of the methods of contraception. Many people have been craving child sex to produce fewer children but not having the gender they plan for may find themselves having many children while looking for the right gender, until the family clashes and separates for these reasons. Male parents often reach the point of breaking up completely, especially when they miss boys.

Today I complete this riddle by providing some of the ways that one can give birth to a boy

Technically sperm delivering a male XY goes very fast to the uterus but dies quickly. but the seed that produces the female XX travels slowly and delays into the uterus as these sperm can tolerate adverse environmental conditions within the woman's uterus, so the only way to get a male offspring is to ensure that the male sperm they hatch with female eggs in the uterus immediately before they die.

The following are those five extreme methods

Make sure you participate in the marriage as soon as the woman's eggs come down

If you participate in a marriage this day in which the egg grows and sperm can come in early and join the female eggs and fertilize the baby, this is the 14th day BEFORE YOU SEE THE NEXT MONTH AND NOT SEE YOUR DAY. If you woman don't know your ovulation day do this.

Measure your body temperature: buy a thermometer and then measure your temperature every morning, the day you see your temperature slightly increase, you know you've started ovulation and that's the best day to look for a baby. Look for vaginal fluids: vaginal fluids usually thicken and thicken like raw eggs when a woman begins ovulation.

You man increase the number of your seeds

A man should increase the quantity of his seeds mainly by staying two to five days without engaging in sexual activity while waiting for his wife to start ovulation. Other ways to raise the seeds are to keep the testicles in the cold: normally the testicles produce more seeds during the colder temperatures so a man should avoid 
-wearing too tight clothes
-placing a laptop on his thighs 
-to stop smoking and drinking alcohol: men who drink alcohol and smoke cigarettes grow with less seeds than marijuana smokers. The use of cancer drugs also results in less seed production.

Use sexual styles that encourage greater penetration

This benefits the male offspring {XY} to arrive early and to fertilize and on the other hand, the lesser {shallow penetration} causes the sperm to be pushed away from the cervix so the sperm can meet acidic conditions in the vagina so the baby's sperm the male dies quickly and leaves the sperm {XX}.

Make sure the woman reaches the peak

When a woman reaches a peak she releases a lot of fluid into the vagina which reduces the amount of acidic acid that is an enemy of all seeds, especially the male XY seedlings that do not tolerate harsh environmental conditions.

Do not perform an act of marriage before and after ovulation

Before ovulation the male embryo XY arrives early in the uterus and finds that the eggs have not yet come and die in vivo after ovulation.

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