The transport system in plants is
not as complex as that of animals. Materials are transported by vascular
bundles made up of xylem and phloem tissues. Xylem tissue transports
water and mineral salts from the soil to all parts of the plant. Phloem tissue
transports manufactured food from the sites of photosynthesis to all parts of
the plant. In between the xylem and phloem is cambium. The cambium
divides to form newxylem and phloem
Components of the vascular system
Xylem tissue is made up of the xylem vessels and the tracheids. Mature xylem vessels and tracheids are made up of hollow and dead cells. Their walls are made of cellulose and lignin. Lignin strengthens the cell walls and makes them rigid. Therefore, xylem has an additional function of giving support to the plant.
The movement of substances in the
xylem is always upward and is by conduction. A xylem vessel is made of
hollow cells without end walls. These cells are joined end to end to form a
pipe-like structure. See above Xylem vessels begin in the roots, go up through
the stem and branch into every leaf of the plant.
Xylem vessels have no cytoplasm and
nuclei. This enables them to transport a larger volume of water and mineral
Tracheid elements are elongated with pointed (tapering) ends (Figure. below)
they are also laid end to end to enable continuous flow of water. Their end
walls have perforations (pits) unlike in xylem where end walls are missing.
This makes them less efficient in conduction of water.
The phloem tissue is made up of sieve-tube elements and companion cells.
Like xylem vessels, sieve-tube
elements are made of cells that are joined end to end. However, the end walls
of these cells are not completely broken down. They have perforations or pores
that form sieve plates. These cells contain cytoplasm but they have no
nucleus. Fibres run through the pores thereby connecting adjacent sieve-tube
Each sieve-tube element has a
companion cell; they are separated by a thin wall made up of parenchyma
cells with pores called plasmodesmata which allow exchange of materials
between them.
Companion cells have a high
concentration of mitochondria. They provide the sieve-tube elements with
The movement of substances in the
phloem is by translocation. It can be in any direction.
The distribution of vascular bundles
in plants
The way the vascular bundles are
arranged in the roots, stems and leaves of monocots and dicots differ. This
arrangement also differs in the roots and stems of the two categories of
Monocotyledonous root
The arrangement of vascular bundles
is as shown:
Dicotyledonous root
The xylem is centrally positioned
and star-shaped. The phloem is found between the extensions of the xylem as
shown in Figure below
Monocotyledonous stem
The arrangement of vascular bundles
is random. See Figure below
Dicotyledonous stem
The vascular bundles are arranged
around the central pith, See Figure below
Absorption and movement of water and
mineral salts
Plants absorb water and mineral
salts from the soil through root hairs.
Structure and functions of root
Root hairs are extensions of the epidermal cells of the root. Figure below shows the structure of a root hair.
Root hairs are long and slender to provide a large surface area for
the absorption of water and mineral salts from the soil. The large number of
root hairs also increases the total surface area of the roots.
The root hair cell sap is usually
hypertonic to the surrounding. Hence, water enters the cell by osmosis.
Root hair cells have a higher
concentration of minerals than the surrounding. Mineral salts are therefore
absorbed by active transport.
The root hairs are very thin in
order to provide a short distance over which absorption of water and mineral
salts takes place.
Movement of water and dissolved
mineral salts
When water is absorbed by the root
hair, it dilutes the contents of the cell sap vacuole. As a result, the cells
of the cortex, which are adjacent to the epidermis, have less water than the
root hair cells. Water moves from the root hair cells to the cortex cells by osmosis.
It moves the same way into the cells of the endodermis, then into the pericycle
and then into the xylem.
Once in the xylem, the water and the
mineral salts dissolved in it move up the xylem vessel by transpirational pull,
capillarity and root pressure.
Transpirational pull
Transpiration occurs when water
evaporates from the plant through the stomata in the leaves. As the water is
lost, the mesophyll cells draw water from the xylem in the leaf which hi turn
draws water from the xylem in the stem. This creates a tension called transpirational
pull which draws water from the roots.
This results in a continuous column
of water from the roots, through the xylem to the leaves. This column of water
is called transpirational stream
Capillarity is the action that
causes water to rise in narrow tubes. Xylem vessels have a narrow lumen which
makes it possible for water to rise in them by capillarity.
Capillarity is made possible by cohesion
and adhesion forces. Cohesion is the attraction between like
molecules. It makes the water molecules Stick to each other. Adhesion is
attraction between different molecules. It causes water molecules to adhere to
the xylem vessels.
Root pressure
Root pressure
pushes water and dissolved mineral salts
upwards from the root. This happens because the cells of the endodermis push
mineral It’s into the xylem. This increases osmotic pressure in the xylem
thereby creating a force that moves the water and dissolved minerals up the
xylem vessel. When a plant is cut, fluid oozes out the remaining stem (Stump).
This is proof of root pressure in plant.
Transpiration is the process by which plants lose water through the
stomata in the leaves.
Water flows from the roots to the leaves through the xylem vessels. It enters the spongy mesophyll by osmosis. The spongy mesophyll has substomatal air spaces where water enters as water vapor. As a result, the concentration of water vapor in the substomatal air spaces becomes higher than the concentration of water vapor in the air. This causes water to diffuse into the atmosphere through the stomata.
Note: Another process known as guttation also occurs in
plants. It is the process by which plants lose water as droplets through
special glands found where veins are in contact with the leaf margin. Guttation
is different from transpiration in that transpiration is the loss of water vapor
mainly through the plant's stomata. Guttation occurs mostly at night or in
plants growing in wet areas
Types of transpiration
There are three types of
- Stomatal transpiration occurs through the stomata on
the leaves. It accounts for approximately 90% of the water lost by plants.
- Cuticular transpiration happens through the cuticle of
leaves. The cuticle is a waxy layer that covers the surface of leaves. A
thick cuticle prevents excessive loss of water.
- Lenticular transpiration takes place through the lenticels. Lenticels are pores
found on the bark of stems or roots in woody plant
Factors affecting the rate of
The rate of transpiration is
affected by plant features as well as environmental factors.
Plant features
Plant features include the
(a) The size of
leaves; a large leaf has more stomata than a small leaf. Therefore,
plants with large leaves lose more water than those with smaller leaves,
(b) An extensive root
system:Plants that have extensive roots absorb more water and can therefore
lose more water than those with few roots.
(c) Leaf
cuticle: A thick cuticle resists water loss by transpiration while a
thin cuticle makes water loss by transpiration easier.
(d) Number of stomata:
The more stomata a leaf have, the faster the rate of transpiration and vice
(e) Position of
stomata:Stomata on the upper surface of the leaf lose water more
easily than those on the lower surface. If a plant has leaves with more stomata
on the upper surface, the rate of transpiration is faster than in
a plant that has Leaves with more stomata on the lower leaf
(f) Size of
substomatal air spaces: Larger air spaces allow for a faster rate of
transpiration because the leaves can hold more water vapor. Smaller substomatal
air spaces slow down the rate of transpiration.
(g) Sunken stomata:
Sunken stomata occur in pits. They are not exposed to moving air so they
slow down transpiration rate.
(h) "Epidermal
hairs: Epidermal hairs trap water on the surface of the leaves, thus
preventing water
Environmental factors
(a) Temperature:
Transpiration rates go up as the temperature goes up. Higher temperatures
cause the stomata to open and release water into [the atmosphere. Lower
temperatures cause the stomata to close.
(b) Relative humidity:As
the relative humidity of the surrounding air rises, the transpiration rate
falls. It is easier for water to evaporate into dry air than into air saturated
with moisture.
(c) Wind and air
movement: Increased movement of the air around a plant results in a
higher transpiration rate. As water transpires from a leaf, the water saturates
the air surrounding the leaf. If there is no wind, the air
does not move, thus 11raising the humidity of the air
around the leaf. Wind moves the air causing the more saturated air close to the
leaf to be replaced by drier air.
(d) Availability of
soil moisture:When moisture is lacking in the soil, plants begin to senesce
(age prematurely) resulting in leaf loss and reduced transpiration. Also, less
water is absorbed by the roots when the soil is dry.
(e) Light: Increased
sunlight increases the rate of photosynthesis in the guard cells, causing them
to become turgid and open the stomata. Higher light intensity also increases
the plant's internal temperature and hence
increases the rate of transpiration.
(f) Atmospheric
pressure: When atmospheric pressure is low, for example at high
altitudes, plants lose water more easily. The rate of transpiration is reduced
in areas with high atmospheric pressure.
Significance of transpiration
- It helps to maintain transpirational pull which is
important for maintaining a constant stream of water between the roots and
the leaves.
- Transpiration enables the loss of excess water from the
- It helps to cool the plant and enables absorption and
distribution of water and mineral salts.
- The vascular system in plants is made up of xylem and
phloem tissues.
- Xylem transports water and" mineral salts from the
roots to all parts of the plant.
- Phloem transports manufactured food from the site of
photosynthesis to all parts of the plant.
- The distribution of vascular bundles is different in
roots and stems and in dicotyledonous and monocotyledonous plants.
- Root hairs are extensions of the epidermal cells of the
root. They absorb water and mineral salts from the soil.
- Water is absorbed from the soil by osmosis.
- Mineral salts are absorbed from the soil by active
- Water and dissolved minerals move up thexylem by
transpiration pull, capillarity and root pressure.
- Transpiration is the process by which plants lose
excess water through their leaves. Transpiration is important because it:
- Helps to maintain the transpirational
- Enables the loss of excess water.
- Enables absorption and distribution of water and
mineral salts in a plant.
- Helps to cool the plant.
- Transpiration is affected by the features ofthe plant
and environmental factors. The features of the plant include: leaf size,
size of root system, size of leaf cuticle, size of air spaces, number and
position of stomata and whether the stomata are sunken or not, and the
presence of epidermal hairs.
- Environmental factors include the amounts of moisture in air, temperature, and air movement, availability of soil moisture, light and atmospheric pressure.
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